MS Excel: Concatenate with & (WS, VBA)

This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel & operator with syntax and examples.


To concatenate multiple strings into a single string in Microsoft Excel, you can use the "&" operator to separate the string values.


The syntax for the "&" operator is:
string1 & string2 [& string3 & string_n]

Parameters or Arguments

string1 to string_n are the string values to concatenate together.

Applies To

The "&" operator can be used in the following versions of Microsoft Excel:
  • Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000

Type of Excel Function

The "&" operator can be used in Microsoft Excel as the following type of function:
  • Worksheet function (WS)
  • VBA function (VBA)

Example (as Worksheet Function)

Let's look at some Excel "&" operator examples and explore hwo you would use the "&" operator as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Microsoft Excel
Based on the spreadsheet above, the following Excel "&" operator examples would return:
Result: "Alphabet"

="Tech on the "&"Net"
Result: "Tech on the Net"

=(A1&"bet soup")
Result: "Alphabet soup"

Example (as VBA Function)

Let's look at some Excel "&" operator function examples and explore how to use the "&" operator in Excel VBA code:
The "&" operator can be used to concatenate strings in VBA code. For example:
Dim LValue As String

LValue = "Alpha" & "bet"
The variable LValue would now contain the value "Alphabet".

Frequently Asked Questions

Question:For an IF statement in Excel, I want to combine text and a value.
For example, I want to put an equation for work hours and pay. If I am paid more than I should be, I want it to read how many hours I owe my boss. But if I work more than I am paid for, I want it to read what my boss owes me (hours*Pay per Hour).
I tried the following:
=IF(A2<0,"I owe boss" abs(A2) "Hours","Boss owes me" abs(A2)*15 "dollars")
Is it possible or do I have to do it in 2 separate cells? (one for text and one for the value)
Answer: There are two ways that you can concatenate text and values. The first is by using the & character to concatenate:
=IF(A2<0,"I owe boss " & ABS(A2) & " Hours","Boss owes me " & ABS(A2)*15 &  " dollars")
Or the second method is to use the CONCATENATE function:
=IF(A2<0,CONCATENATE("I owe boss ", ABS(A2)," Hours"), CONCATENATE("Boss owes me ", ABS(A2)*15,  " dollars"))

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