Use Autosum in Excel 2016

The AutoSum tool is in the Excel 2016 Editing group on the Home tab of the Ribbon. Look for the Greek sigma symbol. This little tool is worth its weight in gold when it comes to entering functions. In... More

Use Quick Analysis Totals in Excel 2016

For those of you who don't have the time or patience for adding totals to your Excel 2016 worksheet tables with AutoSum and AutoFill, Excel 2016's Totals feature on the Quick Analysis tool is just... More

Format as a Table in Excel 2016

The Format as Table feature in Excel 2016 is so automatic that the cell cursor just has to be within the table of data prior to you clicking the Format as Table command button in the Styles group on... More

Create a New Custom Table Style in Excel 2016

Excel 2016 lets you create your own custom styles to add to the Tables Styles gallery and use in formatting your worksheet tables. Once created, a custom Table Style not only applies just the kind... More

Fast Fill in Excel 2016

Excel 2016's Flash Fill feature gives you the ability to take a part of the data entered into one column of a worksheet table and enter just that data in a new table column using only a few keystrokes.... More

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